Crop multiculturalism to the realities of the Twenty-first century
Monday, November 21 to Tuesday November 22, 2011
University of Ottawa, Canada
The citizens of nations multicultural often find it difficult to realize and establish an identity that connects to both their complex past with the unique character of their multiple cultural links, as well as their membership (trans)national. In fact, in many cases, multiculturalism, as a political structure based on the institutionalization of social justice and social equality in many countries, is called into question, not only because the policies of equality and social justice have not been able to establish their main objectives, but because the ideal of such a policy must not neglect the human capacity to resist, to negotiate or to embrace.
The audiovisual media Laboratory for the study of cultures and societies ( University of Ottawa ), and the Centre for Citizenship and Globalization (Deakin University, Australia) organized an international Symposium on the theme of multiculturalism at the University of Ottawa on November 21 and 22, 2011 .
The next international workshop on multiculturalism following the symposium, which took place in November 2010 at Deakin University (Australia). The aim of this edition is to highlight the "challenges" and the "cropping" of the multiculturalismes to the realities and the global knowledge economy of the Twenty-first century, with participants and speakers confirmed in Canada, Colombia, Uruguay, Australia, New Zealand, France, the netherlands, Croatia, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
For any questions, please contact the laboratory : [email protected]
Tel. : 613-562-5800 ext 2985
The workshop will be held at the pavillon Simard (room 129).
No registration fee to community-based organizations.
Otherwise, the registration fee is$80/person, which includes two medium and one coffee.
Places are limited, especially for breaks, lunch and the cocktail party, please register by sending an email to [email protected])
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program of the symposium - Download the program of the symposium
- Campus map of the University of Ottawa
- Co-Chair, Fethi Mansouri
- Jean-Daniel Lafond
The spirit of multiculturalism - Felipe Arocena
Cultural rights : and the construction of multicultural democracies - Patrick Imbert
Meetings and change, Control and hosting - Willem Lodewikus van der Merwe
Multiculturalism : a critical assessment - Shahram Akbarzadeh & Mario Peucker
Assimilation versus multiculturalism : managing the islam in Australia and Europe - Gary Craig & Hannah Lewis
The extreme limits of multiculturalism : exploitation and forced labour - Zayda Sierra
Education creative in a perspective of cultural diversity : the face of the school systems that are homogeneous and colonialists - Kevin Dunn
Comparison of transnational identity, affiliations, and citizenship in Australia and Canada - Carmen Rico Sotelo
Communication international and intercultural Quebec : contours and interests - Sirma Bilge
Delegitimizing multiculturalism by gender - Boulou Ebanda de B béri
Representation intercultural/multicultural race in Quebec/Canada tv Commercials - Vince Marotta
The intercultural, multicultural and transcultural :
different modes of being with the otherness - Afef Benessaieh
Policy cross-cultural - Salah Basalamah
Multiculturalism cropped by the translation of social - Elizabeth Rata
The dilemma multicultural-liberal : to compare the intentions and the results of biculturalism in New Zealand - Michele Grossman
The boundaries of the community : police multicultural and police of "cultures" in the Twenty-first century - Alexander Naraniecki
George Smolicz and governance multicultural "stable" in Australia - Dowoti Desire
Multiculturalism in France : A failure... for who ? - Romain Garbaye
A global crisis of multiculturalism ? A comparison of the franco-british - Paul Morris
The future of multiculturalism ? The political discourse of the failure and the measures of success - Leslie Robinson, phd candidate
Final synthesis