Zaïda Mark

MA Communication, Assistante de recherche Zaida Marquez a été vidéaste en chef (2008) dans la production d'une série de documentaires…

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Virginia Mésana

MA en communication, assistante de recherche Virginie Mesana a aidé à la coordination administrative, à la recherche et à l'analyse…

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Peter Hogarth

MA Communication, Assistante de recherche En 2008, Peter a participé au projet Rhizomic Practices of Identity in Indy Cinemas: A…

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Michel Audette-Longo

MA Communication, Assistante de recherche Michael Audette-Longo a travaillé sur le projet Rhizomic Practices of Identity in Indy Cinemas: A…

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Catherine Fortin

Co-op student In the framework of the co-op program, where students apply their knowledge into the classroom in a series of experiments...

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Peter Lamb

Co-op student, BA in communication in The course of his internship at the Lab, Peter has mounted many audio-visual documentaries for...

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