Crossing of the "Lethe" Amnesia Movies ?
Stone Kadi Sossou
Stone Kadi Sossou teaches in the Department of modern languages and literatures from the University of Ottawa (Canada). He is also a coordinator of the Canada research Chair in transfers literary and cultural. His research interests focus on the literature and cinema of the african continent and Brazil.
This presentation will propose a philosophical discussion of the art of filmmaking based on the study of commercial films, such as The Man without a past Aki Kaurismäki, After Life of Hirokazu Koreeda and Atlântico negro Renato Barbieri. The aim is to illuminate some of the specific issues of memory and recollection, which occurs when one is physically transported, either with the agreement of the person, either by force, from one space to another, from one continent to the other, and eschatologically of the earthly life to the eternal life. This paper will analyze these issues through the prism of myth pelotonné of the crossing of the " Lethe ".