Multiculturalism compared from the perspectives of transnational and global
Crop multiculturalism to the realities of the 21st century : an international symposium
In partnership with the Centre for Citizenship and Globalization of Deakin University (Melbourne, Australia) and the AMLAC&S, the symposium will focus on the "challenges" and the "cropping" of the multiculturalismes in the knowledge world this century economy.
The forthcoming book
Multiculturalism in Indy Cinemas use the search tool rhizomatic to articulate the identity as it is represented in independent cinema.
Study on the messages of change in behavior related to the culture on HIV/aids
This project will investigate the technology of cellular communication to produce messages on HIV/aids effective and contextualized in multicultural societies. This pilot project combines the technologies of cell communication and the profile of sexual and cultural virtual to Madagascar to study, produce, implement and test the most effective ways to create messages to change behavior related to the culture of the HIV/AIDS effective and contextualized (HIV/AIDS-CRBCM) in the context of the reality of the multicultural, multi-dimensional and inter-generational Africa.
The joints of the memory in the cinema
This conference/workshop will focus on an interdisciplinary approach. It is dedicated to the issues of memory in cinemas african, diasporic, national, and black. The memory representations are related to the questions of the representations and structures of the identity, because they shed light on not only the past but also reflect on the construction of the actual past.
China in Africa today
Archaeology of the joints and the communicational strategies
This project, conducted by a team of canadian and african researchers, aims to investigate the strategies and the joint communication used by the Chinese to gain a foothold in the daily life of African people today. The objective is to understand how the men are the cultural spaces (political, economic, social, mental, human and geographical) to win the affection of Africans, but also to understand what the Africans think about it and what role they play. the production of knowledge. This project will produce a new perspective on sino-african, their successes, their failures, and their agreements.