The paradox of national identity

Boulou Ebanda de b Béri & Ruth Middlebrook canadian Journal of communication , Vol. 34, no. 1, 2009 Region, the nation and the Canadian Idol...

Commentaires fermés sur Le paradoxe de l’identité nationale


PUBLISHED BY LAMACS FEBRUARY 16, 2011, Multiculturalism compared from the perspectives of transnational and global Crop multiculturalism for the...

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Symposia past

Fourth symposium généralHalifax, Nova Scotia, may 2011 The story of African-Canadians in the south-western Ontario : linking the past and the present...

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Mehdi Charef

A memory of the Algerian war (any) against an inventory of historic Djemaa Maazouzi Djemaa Maazouzi is a phd student at the University of...

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The memory as a commitment

The importance of personal stories in the cinema of sub-saharan Africa, Sheila Petty, Sheila Petty is professor of media studies and associate member...

Commentaires fermés sur La mémoire comme engagement