PUBLISHED BY LAMACS FEBRUARY 16, 2011, Multiculturalism compared from the perspectives of transnational and global Crop multiculturalism for the...

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Symposia past

Fourth symposium généralHalifax, Nova Scotia, may 2011 The story of African-Canadians in the south-western Ontario : linking the past and the present...

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Mehdi Charef

A memory of the Algerian war (any) against an inventory of historic Djemaa Maazouzi Djemaa Maazouzi is a phd student at the University of...

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The memory as a commitment

The importance of personal stories in the cinema of sub-saharan Africa, Sheila Petty, Sheila Petty is professor of media studies and associate member...

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Black soul

2000 Martine Chartrand Martine Chartrand was born in Montreal, studied the social sciences and the graphic arts at the Collège Ahuntsic,...

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It was a time

Stories of the last days of the colony of Kenya, 2009 Donald McWilliams McWilliams', of English origin, has started the movie...

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The documentary historical drama

The variations in film by Raoul Peck on the sharing of his memory of Lumumba Blandine Stefanson Blandine Stefanson is a researcher...

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