Africanicité in black cinema

Boulou Ebanda de b Béri
Cultural studies , Vol. 22 (2) 2008, London & New York : Routledge, pp. 187-208

A field in the cycle for a new expression of the identity

This essay reviews the tensions conceptual between cultural identity and political black to discern new practical economic identity occurring, in particular, in some film noirs. It suggests that a paradigm-specific communication such as the " reconstruction emotional history ", can illustrate the ways in which Black people articulate their identities through the medium of cinema. The examination of this paradigm as a discursive practice of the diversion or the marronnage provides an understanding of the more complex effect of the africanness as a necessary re-enactment of the social commentary and history, which the mazetranscends all the structure of the decoding of the political and cultural identity. This essay concludes that, instead of being a structure of decoding the identity, the notion of africanicité is a field of investigation in the cycle through which emerging identity practices, transgéographiques.